多伦多市为了迫使人们减速,安全驾驶,在市区多地安装自动超速执法摄像头( ASE ),并公布了50个测速摄像头位置。
在装有 ASE 摄像头的地方市府会张贴告示牌。司机要特别注意道路的限速。如果 ASE 系统检测到车辆超速,车主就都会收到一张罚单。总应付金额包括《省犯罪法》附表 D 规定的罚款、受害者罚款附加费和适用的法庭费用。这种罚单只罚款,不扣分,也不会影响司机的驾驶记录和保险。
如果超过限速 50 公里/小时,车主会受到发出法庭传票,要求其出庭见治安法官。
最新数据显示,多伦多每个月仍有数万人被测速摄像头捕捉到,7 月开出了18,619 张罚单,8 月开出18,114 张。这与 6 月份的 26,566 张门票相比显著下降,因为6月是测速摄像头移至新一轮地点的第一个月,之后超速司机明显减少。
除罚单总量降低以外,屡犯者的人数也从 6 月份的 2,445 人下降到 7 月份的 1,211 人,到 8 月份再降为 764 人。
但是预计罚单数量在 11 月可能会再次飙升,因为那时候届时测速摄像头将移动到第四轮新位置,这些位置是根据过去的碰撞统计数据、交通量、公众要求等选择的。
根据多伦多the city's map,到11月计划中的 50 个测速摄像头位置如下:
区号 | 区(Ward) | 地点 |
1 | Etobicoke North | John Garland Blvd. Near Kendleton Dr. |
1 | Etobicoke North | Martin Grove Rd. North of Garfella Dr. |
2 | Etobicoke Centre | La Rose Ave. East of Griggsden Ave. |
2 | Etobicoke Centre | The East Mall South of Capri Rd |
3 | Etobicoke-Lakeshore | Algoma St. East of Royal York Rd. |
3 | Etobicoke-Lakeshore | Lake Shore Blvd. W. Near Twentieth St. |
4 | Parkdale-High Park | Annette St. Near Laws St. |
4 | Parkdale-High Park | Windermere Ave. Near St. Olaves Rd. |
5 | York South-Weston | Culford Rd. North of Burr Ave. |
5 | York South-Weston | Guestville Ave. Near Dennis Ave. |
6 | York Centre | Northover St. South of Sheppard Ave. W. |
6 | York Centre | Wilson Ave. Near 1196 Wilson Ave. |
7 | Humber River-Black Creek | Stong Court West of Driftwood Ave. |
7 | Humber River-Black Creek | Shoreham Dr. West of Gosford Blvd. |
8 | Eglinton-Lawrence | Wilson Ave. West of Belgrave Ave. |
8 | Eglinton-Lawrence | Marlee Ave. South of Hillmount Ave. |
9 | Davenport | Concord Ave. North of College St. |
9 | Davenport | Dufferin St. Near Gordon St. |
10 | Spadina-Fort York | Dundas St. W. Near Augusta Ave |
10 | Spadina-Fort York | The Esplanade East of Princess St. |
11 | University-Rosedale | Avenue Rd. Near Macpherson Ave |
11 | University-Rosedale | Clinton St. North of College St. |
12 | Toronto-St. Pauls | Davisville Ave. Near Acacia Rd. |
12 | Toronto-St. Pauls | Bansley Ave. South of Vaughan Rd. |
13 | Toronto Centre | Homewood Ave. Near Maitland Place |
13 | Toronto Centre | Parliament St. North of Oak St. |
14 | Toronto-Danforth | Plains Rd. Near Milton Rd. |
14 | Toronto-Danforth | Greenwood Ave. South of Glebeholme Blvd. |
15 | Don Valley West | Leslie St. South of Lawrence Ave. E. |
15 | Don Valley West | Blythwood Rd. Near Blyth Hill Rd. |
16 | Don Valley East | York Mills Rd. East of Rayoak Dr. |
16 | Don Valley East | Grenoble Dr. West of Spanbridge Rd. |
17 | Don Valley North | Van Horne Ave. West of Brian Dr. |
17 | Don Valley North | Parkway Forest Dr. East of Don Mills Rd. |
18 | Willowdale | Drewry Ave. East of Norwin St. |
18 | Willowdale | Ellerslie Ave. Near Diagonal Rd. |
19 | Beaches-East York | Victoria Park Ave. Near Tiago Ave. |
19 | Beaches-East York | Secord Ave. Near Palmer Ave. |
20 | Scarborough Southwest | Birchmount Rd. South of Sadler Dr. |
20 | Scarborough Southwest | Bellamy Rd. S. North of Kingston Rd. |
21 | Scarborough Centre | Lawrence Ave. E. West of Ben Stanton Blvd. |
21 | Scarborough Centre | Gilder Dr. East of Midland Ave. |
22 | Scarborough-Agincourt | Bamburgh Circle Near 125 Bamburgh Circle |
22 | Scarborough-Agincourt | Chester Le Blvd. Near Pettibone Square |
23 | Scarborough North | Huntingwood Dr. Near Mollard Rd. |
23 | Scarborough North | Heather Rd. East of Glen Watford Dr. |
24 | Scarborough-Guildwood | Military Trail Near 341 Military Trail |
24 | Scarborough-Guildwood | Gatesview Ave. East of Cedar Dr. |
25 | Scarborough-Rouge Park | Sewells Rd. West of Glenheather Terrace |
25 | Scarborough-Rouge Park | Centennial Rd. South of Cherrydale Court |