achieving stage Second of Schaie's seven cognitive stages, in which young adults use knowledge to gain competence and independence.
acquisitive stage First of Schaie's seven cognitive stages, in which children and adolescents learn information and skills largely for their own sake or as preparation for participation in society.
active euthanasia Deliberate action taken to shorten the life of a terminally ill person in order to end suffering or to allow death with dignity; also called mercy killing.日常生活活动
activities of daily living (ADLs) Essential activities that support survival, such as eating, dressing, bathing, and getting around the house.
activity theory Theory of aging, proposed by Neugarten and others, which holds that in order to age successfully a person must remain as active as possible.
advance directive (living will) Document specifying the type of care wanted by the maker in the event of an incapacitating or terminal illness.
age-differentiated Describing a life structure in which primary roles—learning, working, and leisure—are based on age; typical in industrialized societies. Compare age-integrated.年龄整合
age-integrated Describing a life structure in which primary roles—learning, working, and leisure—are open to adults of all ages and can be interspersed throughout the life span. Compare age-differentiated.年龄歧视
ageism Prejudice or discrimination against a person (most commonly an older person) based on age.
age-related macular degeneration Condition in which the center of the retina gradually loses its ability to discern fine details; leading cause of irreversible visual impairment in older adults.
alcoholism Chronic disease involving dependence on use of alcohol, causing interference with normal functioning and fulfillment of obligations.
Alzheimer's disease Progressive, irreversible, degenerative brain disorder characterized by cognitive deterioration and loss of control of bodily functions, leading to death.
ambiguous loss A loss that is not clearly defined or does not bring closure.
amyloid plaque Waxy chunks of insoluble tissue found in brains of persons with Alzheimer's disease.
assisted suicide Suicide in which a physician or someone else helps a person take his or her own life.
autoimmunity Tendency of an aging body to mistake its own tissues for foreign invaders and to attack and destroy them.
balanced investment Pattern of retirement activity allocated among family, work, and leisure.
basal metabolism Use of energy to maintain vital functions.
bereavement Loss, due to death, of someone to whom one feels close and the process of adjustment to the loss.
burnout Syndrome of emotional exhaustion and a sense that one can no longer accomplish anything on the job.
caregiver burnout Condition of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion affecting adults who provide continuous care for sick or aged persons.
cataracts Cloudy or opaque areas in the lens of the eye, which cause blurred vision.
cognitive reserve Hypothesized fund of energy that may enable a deteriorating brain to continue to function normally.
cognitive-appraisal model Model of coping, proposed by Lazarus and Folkman, which holds that, on the basis of continuous appraisal of their relationship with the environment, people choose appropriate coping strategies to deal with situations that tax their normal resources.
cohabitation Status of an unmarried couple who live together and maintain a sexual relationship.
componential element Sternberg's term for the analytic aspect of intelligence.
contextual element Sternberg's term for the practical aspect of intelligence.
continuity theory Theory of aging, described by Atchley, which holds that in order to age successfully people must maintain a balance of continuity and change in both the internal and external structures of their lives.
coping Adaptive thinking or behavior aimed at reducing or relieving stress that arises from harmful, threatening, or challenging conditions.
crystallized intelligence Type of intelligence, proposed by Horn and Cattell, involving the ability to remember and use learned information; it is largely dependent on education and cultural background.
dementia Deterioration in cognitive and behavioral functioning due to physiological causes.
developmental tasks In normative-stage theories, typical challenges that need to be mastered for successful adaptation to each stage of life.
disengagement theory Theory of aging, proposed by Cumming and Henry, which holds that successful aging is characterized by mutual withdrawal between the older person and society.
dual-process model Model of cognitive functioning, pro posed by Baltes, which identifies and seeks to measure two dimensions of intelligence: mechanics and pragmatics.
durable power of attorney Legal instrument that appoints an individual to make decisions in the event of another person's incapacitation.
ego integrity versus despair According to Erikson, the eighth and final stage of psychosocial development, in which people in late adulthood either achieve a sense of integrity of the self by accepting the lives they have lived, and thus accept death, or yield to despair that their lives cannot be relived.
ego-control Self-control.
ego-resiliency Adaptability under potential sources of stress.
elder abuse Maltreatment or neglect of dependent older persons, or violation of their personal rights.
emerging adulthood Proposed transitional period between adolescence and adulthood, usually extending from the late teens through the midtwenties.
emotional intelligence Salovey and Mayer's term for ability to understand and regulate emotions; an important component of effective, intelligent behavior.
emotion-focused coping In the cognitive-appraisal model, coping strategy directed toward managing the emotional response to a stressful situation so as to lessen its physical or psychological impact; sometimes called palliative coping .
empty nest Transitional phase of parenting following the last child's leaving the parents' home.
encapsulation In Hoyer's terminology, progressive dedication of information processing and fluid thinking to specific knowledge systems, making knowledge more readily accessible.
episodic memory Long-term memory of specific experiences or events, linked to time and place.
erectile dysfunction Inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erect penis sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.
executive stage Fourth of Schaie's seven cognitive stages, in which middle-aged people responsible for societal systems deal with complex relationships on several levels.
experiential element Sternberg's term for the insightful or creative aspect of intelligence.
family-focused lifestyle Pattern of retirement activity that revolves around family, home, and companions.
filial crisis In Marcoen's terminology, normative development of middle age, in which adults learn to balance love and duty to their parents with autonomy within a two-way relationship.
filial maturity Stage of life, proposed by Marcoen and others, in which middle-aged children, as the outcome of a filial crisis, learn to accept and meet their parents' need to depend on them.
five-factor model Theoretical model of personality, developed and tested by Costa and McCrae, based on the “Big Five” factors underlying clusters of related traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreeableness.
fluid intelligence Type of intelligence, proposed by Horn and Cattell, which is applied to novel problems and is relatively independent of educational and cultural influences.
free radicals Unstable, highly reactive atoms or molecules, formed during metabolism, which can cause internal bodily damage.
functional age Measure of a person's ability to function effectively in his or her physical and social environment in comparison with others of the same chronological age.
gender crossover Gutmann's term for reversal of gender roles after the end of active parenting.
generativity versus stagnation Erikson's seventh stage of psychosocial development, in which the middle-aged adult develops a concern with establishing, guiding, and influencing the next generation or else experiences stagnation (a sense of inactivity or lifelessness).
generativity Erikson's term for concern of mature adults for establishing, guiding, and influencing the next generation.
genetic-programming theories Theories that explain biological aging as resulting from a genetically determined developmental timetable.
geriatrics Branch of medicine concerned with processes of aging and medical conditions associated with old age.
gerontology Study of the aged and the process of aging.
glaucoma Irreversible damage to the optic nerve caused by increased pressure in the eye.
grief Emotional response experienced in the early phases of bereavement.
grief therapy Treatment to help the bereaved cope with loss.
grief work Working out of psychological issues connected with grief.
Hayflick limit Genetically controlled limit, proposed by Hayflick, on the number of times cells can divide in members of a species.
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Treatment with artificial estrogen, sometimes in combination with the hormone progesterone, to relieve or prevent symptoms caused by decline in estrogen levels after menopause.
hospice care Warm, personal patient- and family-centered care for a person with a terminal illness.
hypertension Chronically high blood pressure.
hysterectomy Surgical removal of the uterus.
identity accommodation Whitbourne's term for adjusting the self-concept to fit new experience.
identity assimilation Whitbourne's term for effort to fit new experience into an existing self-concept.
identity process model Whitbourne's model of identity development based on processes of assimilation and accommodation.
identity style Whitbourne's term for a characteristic way of confronting, interpreting, and responding to experience.
individuation Jung's term for emergence of the true self through balancing or integration of conflicting parts of the personality.
infertility Inability to conceive after 12 months of trying.
instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) Indicators of functional well-being and of the ability to live independently.
interiority Neugarten's term for a concern with inner life (introversion or introspection), which usually appears in middle age.
intimacy versus isolation Erikson's sixth stage of psychosocial development, in which young adults either make commitments to others or face a possible sense of isolation and self-absorption.
kinship care Care of children living without parents in the home of grandparents or other relatives, with or without a change of legal custody.
legacy-creating stage Seventh of Schaie's seven cognitive stages, in which very old people prepare for death by recording their life stories, distributing possessions, and the like.
life expectancy Age to which a person in a particular cohort is statistically likely to live (given his or her current age and health status), on the basis of average longevity of a population.
life review Reminiscence about one's life in order to see its significance.
life span The longest period that members of a species can live.
life structure In Levinson's theory, the underlying pattern of a person's life at a given time, built on whatever aspects of life the person finds most important.
lifelong learning Organized, sustained study by adults of all ages.
literacy (1) Ability to read and write. (2) In an adult, ability to use printed and written information to function in society, achieve goals, and develop knowledge and potential.
longevity Length of an individual's life.
mammography Diagnostic X-ray examination of the breasts.
marital capital Financial and emotional benefits built up during a long-standing marriage, which tend to hold a couple together.
mechanics of intelligence In Baltes's dual-process model, the abilities to process information and solve problems, irrespective of content; the area of cognition in which there is often an age-related decline.
menopause Cessation of menstruation and of ability to bear children, typically around age 50.
metabolism Conversion of food and oxygen into energy.
Metamemory in Adulthood (MIA) Questionnaire designed to measure various aspects of adults' metamemory, including beliefs about their own memory and the selection and use of strategies for remembering.
midlife crisis In some normative-crisis models, stressful life period precipitated by the review and reevaluation of one's past, typically occurring in the early to middle forties.
midlife review Introspective examination that often occurs in middle age, leading to reappraisal and revision of values and priorities.
myopia Nearsightedness.
neurofibrillary tangles Twisted masses of protein fibers found in brains of persons with Alzheimer's disease.
normative life events In the timing-of-events model, commonly expected life experiences that occur at customary times.
normative-stage models Theoretical models that describe psychosocial development in terms of a definite sequence of age-related changes.
osteoporosis Condition in which the bones become thin and brittle as a result of rapid calcium depletion.
palliative care Care aimed at relieving pain and suffering and allowing the terminally ill to die in peace, comfort, and dignity.
Parkinson's disease Progressive, irreversible degenerative neurological disorder, characterized by tremor, stiffness, slowed movement, and unstable posture.
passive euthanasia Deliberate withholding or discontinuation of life-prolonging treatment of a terminally ill person in order to end suffering or allow death with dignity.
perimenopause Period of several years during which a woman experiences physiological changes that bring on menopause; also called climacteric.后形式思维
postformal thought Mature type of thinking that relies on subjective experience and intuition as well as logic and is useful in dealing with ambiguity, uncertainty, inconsistency, contradiction, imperfection, and compromise.
pragmatics of intelligence In Baltes's dual-process model, the dimension of intelligence that tends to grow with age and includes practical thinking, application of accumulated knowledge and skills, specialized expertise, professional productivity, and wisdom.
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Disorder producing symptoms of physical discomfort and emotional tension during the one to two weeks before a menstrual period.
presbycusis Age-related, gradual loss of hearing, which accelerates after age 55, especially with regard to sounds at higher frequencies.
presbyopia Age-related, progressive loss of the eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects due to loss of elasticity in the lens.
primary aging Gradual, inevitable process of bodily deterioration throughout the life span.
priming Increase in ease of doing a task or remembering information as a result of a previous encounter with the task or information.
problem-focused coping In the cognitive-appraisal model, coping strategy directed toward eliminating, managing, or improving a stressful situation.
procedural memory Long-term memory of motor skills, habits, and ways of doing things, which often can be recalled without conscious effort; sometimes called implicit memory.反思性思维
reflective thinking Type of logical thinking that may emerge in adulthood, involving continuous, active evaluation of information and beliefs in the light of evidence and implications.
reintegrative stage Sixth of Schaie's seven cognitive stages, in which older adults choose to focus limited energy on tasks that have meaning to them.
reorganizational stage Fifth of Schaie's seven cognitive stages, in which adults entering retirement reorganize their lives around nonwork-related activities.
reserve capacity Ability of body organs and systems to put forth four to ten times as much effort as usual under acute stress; also called organ reserve.责任阶段
responsible stage Third of Schaie's seven cognitive stages, in which middle-aged people are concerned with long-range goals and practical problems related to their responsibility for others.
revolving door syndrome Tendency for young adults who have left home to return to their parents' household in times of financial, marital, or other trouble.
sandwich generation Middle-aged adults squeezed by competing needs to raise or launch children and to care for elderly parents.
secondary aging Aging processes that result from disease and bodily abuse and disuse and are often preventable.
selective optimization with compensation (SOC) In Baltes's dual-process model, enhancing overall cognitive functioning by using stronger abilities to compensate for those that have weakened.
semantic memory Long-term memory of general factual knowledge, social customs, and language.
senescence Period of the life span marked by declines in physical functioning usually associated with aging; begins at different ages for different people.
sensory memory Initial, brief, temporary storage of sensory information.
serious leisure Leisure activity requiring skill, attention, and commitment.
sexual dysfunction Persistent disturbance in sexual desire or sexual response.
social clock Set of cultural norms or expectations for the times of life when certain important events, such as marriage, parenthood, entry into work, and retirement, should occur.
social convoy theory Theory, proposed by Kahn and Anto-nucci, that people move through life surrounded by concentric circles of intimate relationships on which they rely for assistance, well-being, and social support.
socioemotional selectivity theory Theory, proposed by Carstensen, that people select social contacts on the basis of the changing relative importance of social interaction as a source of information, as an aid in developing and maintaining a self-concept, and as a source of emotional wellbeing.
spillover hypothesis Hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between intellectuality of work and of leisure activities because of a carryover of cognitive gains from work to leisure.
stressors Perceived environmental demands that may produce stress.
substantive complexity Degree to which a person's work requires thought and independent judgment.
survival curves Curves, plotted on a graph, showing percentages of a population that survive at each age level.
tacit knowledge Sternberg's term for information that is not formally taught or openly expressed but is necessary to function successfully.
terminal drop A frequently observed decline in cognitive abilities near the end of life. Also called terminal decline.死亡学
thanatology Study of death and dying.
timing-of-events model Theoretical model that describes adult psychosocial development as a response to the expected or unexpected occurrence and timing of important life events.
trait models Theoretical models of personality development that focus on mental, emotional, temperamental, and behavioral traits, or attributes.
triangular subtheory of love Sternberg's theory that patterns of love hinge on the balance among three elements: intimacy, passion, and commitment.
typological models Theoretical models of personality development that identify broad personality types, or styles.
variable-rate theories Theories explaining biological aging as a result of processes that vary from person to person and are influenced by both the internal and the external environment; sometimes called error theories.肺活量
vital capacity Amount of air that can be drawn in with a deep breath and expelled.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Intelligence test for adults, which yields verbal and performance scores as well as a combined score.
working memory Short-term storage of information being actively processed.