事实证明,瑜伽可以通过多种方法改善您的性生活。而且,您不用担心看似复杂的Kama Sutra风格的姿势,其实非常简单。
田纳西州纳什维尔的瑜伽教练,全生命生活教练Lauren Zoeller说:“瑜伽教您如何聆听自己的身体,如何控制自己的思想。” “这两种做法相结合,可以带给您关于自己喜欢和不喜欢的事物的见解,使您更好地交流对伴侣最有利的事物。”
- 四肢开始这个姿势。确保手腕在肩膀下方,膝盖与臀部对齐。使脊柱保持中立,并在整个身体上均匀地平衡体重。
- 仰望时吸气,让您的胃向地面弯曲。伸展时抬起眼睛,下巴和胸部。
- 呼气,将下巴塞进胸部,然后将肚脐向脊柱侧拉。将脊椎朝向天花板。
- 在两者之间缓慢移动1分钟。
桥姿(Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
- 躺在你的背上。
- 弯曲双膝,使双脚分开与臀部同宽,使膝盖与脚踝对齐。
- 将您的手臂平放在地板上,手掌放在地面上,并张开手指。
- 将您的骨盆区域抬离地面,让躯干跟随,但将肩膀和头部保持在地板上。
- 保持姿势5秒钟。
- 发布。
开心宝贝(Ananda Balasana)
- 躺在你的背上。
- 呼气时,将膝盖向腹部弯曲。
- 吸气并伸手抓住脚外侧,然后加宽膝盖。您也可以使用绑在脚上的皮带或毛巾使之轻松。
- 屈曲双脚,用脚向下拉的同时向上拉高跟鞋以拉伸。
- 从所有楼层开始。
- 抬起右腿并将其移到身体前面,以便小腿与身体成90度角。
- 在地板上将左腿向后伸展,脚掌朝下,脚尖指向后方。
- 向前倾时呼气,改变体重。用手臂支撑体重。如果这不舒服,请尝试将毯子或枕头折叠起来并放在右臀部下方,以使臀部在伸展时保持水平。
- 释放并在另一侧重复。
- 首先跪在地板上。用大脚趾抚摸,加宽膝盖,直到两脚分开与臀部相同的宽度为止。
- 呼气,向前倾。将您的手放在您的面前并伸展,使上半身在双腿之间放松。尝试将额头碰到垫子上,但也可以将头放在垫子或枕头上。
- 在这个位置放松30秒钟至几分钟。
瑜伽课通常以“尸体姿势”或“ Savasana”结束,这绝对有充分的理由。这个姿势可以帮助您放松并学会释放压力。将其视为瑜伽练习结束时的迷你 冥想课程,可增强放松和感觉良好的努力。
- 躺下,双脚分开,手掌朝上。从脸部到手指和脚趾,放松身体的各个部分。
- 尽可能长时间保持这种姿势。
6 Yoga Poses That Will Make You Better at Sex
We all know that yoga has many benefits. Not only does yoga boast amazing stress-relieving qualities, it can also help you lose weight, improve your digestion, and even reprogram your DNA. While you might come to the mat to find your Zen, the benefits of yoga are even better than we thought.
It turns out that yoga can improve your sex life in more ways than one. And, before you get scared by thoughts of complicated Kama Sutra-style posing, it’s actually surprisingly simple.
How can yoga classes benefit your sex life?
The main benefit of yoga — both in and out of the bedroom — is reducing stress. Studiessuggest that regular yoga practice helps reduce stress levels in the body by decreasing cortisol levels. Increased stress can have many negative effects on the body, and decreased sexual desire is one of them.
Yoga may also help improve overall sexual function. One study watched 40 women as they practiced yoga for 12 weeks. After the study ended, researchers concluded that the women had a significant improvement in their sex lives thanks to yoga. This is a small sample size and only one study, but the connection between yoga and a better sex life is promising.
“Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body, and how to control your mind,” says Lauren Zoeller, a certified yoga instructor and Whole Living Life Coach based in Nashville, Tennessee. “These two practices combined can bring you insight on what you like and dislike, leading you to better communicate what is best to your partner.”
Another way Zoeller says yoga can boost your sex life? Increasing awareness and body control.
“A regular yoga practice brings you into the awareness of the present moment which is very important when looking to boost your sex life. The more present you can become with your partner, the better the experience will be for both of you,” Zoeller explains. “Sex and yoga both benefit your physical, mental and emotional state. Learn to practice them regularly for access to feeling your absolute best!”
Yoga poses to improve your sex life
If you want to boost your sex life, try using some of these poses in your regular yoga practice.
Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) and Cow Pose (Bitilasana)
Often performed together, these poses help you loosen up the spine and relax. This helps lower your overall stress levels and makes it easier to get into the mood.
- Start this pose on all fours. Make sure your wrists are underneath your shoulders and your knees are in line with your hips. Keep your spine neutral and your weight balanced evenly across your body.
- Inhale as you look up and let your stomach curve toward the floor. Lift your eyes, chin, and chest up as you stretch.
- Exhale, tucking your chin into your chest, and draw your navel toward your spine. Round your spine toward the ceiling.
- Move slowly between the two for 1 minute.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
This pose helps strengthen your pelvic floor. Strengthening these muscles helps reduce pain during sex and can even make the good stuff, well, better.
- Lie on your back.
- Bend both knees and position your feet hip-width apart with your knees in line with your ankles.
- Put your arms flat on the floor with your palms against the ground and spread your fingers.
- Lift your pelvic region off the ground, allowing your torso to follow, but keep your shoulders and head on the floor.
- Hold the pose for 5 seconds.
- Release.
Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)
A popular relaxation pose, this pose stretches your glutes and lower back. Plus, it doubles as a variation of missionary position. To try it in bed, start in missionary position with your partner on top, and then extend your legs and wrap them around your partner’s torso.
- Lie on your back.
- With an exhale, bend your knees up toward your stomach.
- Inhale and reach up to grab the outside of your feet, and then widen your knees. You can also use a belt or towel looped over your foot to make it easier.
- Flex your feet, pushing your heels upward as you pull down with your hands to stretch.
One-Legged Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
There are many variations of Pigeon, and all of them are great for stretching and opening up your hips. Tight hips can make sex uncomfortable, and they can also keep you from trying different sexual positions.
- Start on the floor on all floors.
- Pick up your right leg and move it in front of your body so your lower leg is at a 90-degree angle from your body.
- Stretch your left leg out behind you on the floor with the top of your foot facing down and your toes pointing back.
- Exhale as you lean forward, shifting your body weight. Use your arms to support your weight. If this is uncomfortable, try folding up a blanket or a pillow and putting it under your right hip to keep your hips level as you stretch.
- Release and repeat on the other side.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
This pose is a fantastic way to open your hips and find deep relaxation without needing to be crazy flexible. It’s also a grounding pose, meaning your focus should be on resting and breathing throughout the pose, which can help any stress and anxiety melt away.
- Start by kneeling on the floor. With your big toes touching, widen your knees until they’re around hip-width apart.
- Exhale and lean forward. Place your hands in front of you and stretch out, allowing your upper body to relax between your legs. Try to touch your forehead to the mat, but you can also rest your head on a block or pillow.
- Relax in this position for 30 seconds to a few minutes.
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Yoga classes usually end in Corpse Pose, or Savasana, and there’s definitely a good reason. This pose helps you relax and learn to let go of stress. Think of it as a mini meditationsession at the end of your yoga practice that supercharges your relaxation and feel-good efforts.
- Lay on your back with your feet spread and palms facing up. Relax every part of your body from your face to your fingers and toes.
- Stay in this pose for as long as you want.
While some yoga poses can immediately improve your sex life, the biggest change is always going to be in reducing your stress. Not only does this provide a whole host of benefits, it allows you to relax and enjoy sex, which makes it even better.